Fuel Contamination
Is there an invisible enemy in your fuel tank? And how do you defend against something you can’t easily see? Liqui Moly Fuel Additives are your excess free insurance policy against Fuel Contamination and performance loss, but why do we need them?
We often hear general advice regarding where to fill up or which brand of fuel to use, but why would it be a problem? What have motorists experienced to lead them to warn others against one or another location or brand? Commonly the reason is contaminated fuel and damage to the vehicle whether it be a blocked fuel filter, corrosion forming in the fuel tank and lines or even worse, engine damage due to poor combustion or water in the fuel.
Why would this happen if a “high quality” fuel brand and product is used? Well in this case it’s not always the fuel itself but perhaps the storage tanks in the ground that are compromised or perhaps the age of the fuel in a low turnover service station. Even your own vehicle could be growing bacteria if it is left stored for extend periods across the change in seasons. Diesel 4WDs and Trucks with large capacity, long range tanks are especially susceptible to the “Diesel Bug”. Over time Bacteria and Water can grow and collect inside a vehicles fuel tank leading to poor performance, lack of fuel economy and rough running.
While fuel filters fitted by manufacturers are designed to be replaced the intervals are so far between there is years between when the vehicle and filter is new to when the manufacturer recommends changing this filter. Why run the risk of premature failure or a lack of engine performance and economy when all you need to do is apply a fuel treatment regimen to your regular servicing schedule? With engine and fuel systems costing well in excess of $20,000 why wouldn’t you take up this cheap insurance?
Article prepared by Liqui Moly Australia